Barholm & Stowe has a population of approximately 90 souls which means that the parish is too small to have a Parish Council. In its place they have a Parish Meeting which meets once a year or when required (a planning application, traffic problems, village event etc). At the meeting a chairman is elected & clerk takes notes. As it holds a Parish Meeting there are no parish councillors, therefore no elections will take place in May 2015, only for District.
Chairman - Mr David Brown, Stowe Farm,
Parish Councillors - None
Parish Website – Mrs Rosemary Trollope-Bellew
District Councillors:- Casewick Ward
Rosemary Trollope-Bellew, The Old Hall, Barholm, Stamford, Lincs., PE9 4RA. Tel-01778 560634
kelham Cooke, 16 Tallington Rd, Barholm, Stamford, Lincs. Tel-07940187426 email
County Councillor:-Deepings West & Rural
Rosemary Trollope-Bellew, The Old Hall, Barholm, Stamford, Lincs., PE9 4RA. Tel-01778 560634 email-